this is amazing
from Damien: i can easily tell you put so much effort into this one animation. you are truly epic in your work and show amazing skill with flash. you had great music that was counter intuitive to the action. what i mean is the music is tell you that it is a mellow atmosphere, although there is fighting. i don't know if you tried or not but the music is like the mood of the Wandering Titan.
the only problem with your animation is the fighting. it is cliche. what i mean is that in most one on one fights, even in epic poems and big mythology stroies, the evil defeats the good, then good gets itself back together and defeats evil with tremendous strength.
but please don't think i am saying that the story line sucks, because i doesn't. most of the time a cliche thing makes whatever bad because of it, but in your case (which happens rarely) you applied it so well that it made the animation even better.
try to not make the story line cliche again because, weather you know it or not, you took a big gamble, but somehow you got the jack pot. with your skill i am just iching to see your next animation. keep up the good work :)